Automate, Grow and Sell Your Small Business


If you’re interested in hearing how to grow and sell your small business, I highly suggest you check out this great interview with Paul Maskill.  Paul is in the trenches each day as an owner, investor, and coach for small businesses and has a wealth of advice about how to take your business to the next level.


Josh Fonger: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Work the System podcast, where we help entrepreneurs make more and work less using systems. And I’m your host, Josh Fonger. And today we have a special guest. We have Brandon Vaughn. Brandon scaled a very small service company with zero employees to over 60, and it went from 8K a month to almost fifty thousand dollars a month in less than six seasons in his business. He is passionate about helping small business create a company culture where their teams can thrive. In 2017, he was awarded the SBA Small Business Person of the Year for the state of Oregon and now helps small business owners systemized their companies. Alright Brandon, so give us the backstory. How’d you get into your line of work and where you are today?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:00:43] Oh, man. Well, actually, I started out as a. I guess you can call me a second generation entrepreneur. My dad, he owned a window cleaning company, started in nineteen seventy eight. He was the owner operator guy with the squeegee in his hand and all of our customers love them. He would like the man and home-school through high school started working full time with him at age 14, so literally 40 hours a week washing windows with my dad, which when you’re a teenager is a really interesting experience. But that’s a different story. He was basically owner operator for 33 years up until about 2011 when he was diagnosed with heart disease. So pretty much got to a point to where he the doctor told him flat out, you can’t work physically at all anymore. And at that point, the business was face being shut down. So 2012, I bought the business from him. And, you know, no employees, just that 8k a month range. And then over the next years, we scaled it up to, you know, to where we were doing almost half a million a month.

Josh Fonger: [00:01:47] Wow, that’s that’s an amazing transformation. What? I mean, obviously, you don’t have the health issue, but what clicked for you to be able to go where it was to, you know, where it is now?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:01:59] Systems, working the system. We’ll plug for you there. Yeah. It was it just really I didn’t know what I didn’t know. And the first instance of me understanding how important it was to have systems in my business was when I realized how much information was still locked up into my dad’s brain as the owner. So, you know, we go to a customer’s house and they would be like, no. Did you did you do that? Do it. Do it this way, because it was supposed to be done this way. Your dad always did it this way. And, you know, he always called ahead three days in advance. And then we have to make sure that the cat door is locked in the back. When you leave, like you can’t do this, you have to do this. So we ended up finding all these things that my dad did just inherently naturally. So our first system that we kind of created was working on extracting all that critical information up in my dad’s head and getting it into some kind of a process, you know, some kind of a document and things. So that that really is what kind of led me down this system’s journey was that.

Josh Fonger: [00:03:02] So how did that, I’m curious, so how did you actually get it out? I mean, did you just interview him or did you just have him come with you and you just write down everything you did about what had actually happened?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:03:12] We did. Yeah, we interviewed him in depth. So we we printed off a list of first. You know, he worked off of the paper calendar and paper contacts. And I remember the first time us trying to digitize things. We went out and bought a you know, one of those little digital Rolodex is that you get it like a Walmart. The ones with the keyboard on it, you type things in. So we spent about three weeks typing in all of these clients, you know, each one, one by one. And then at the end of like three weeks, we realized that you can’t export it out of this little thing. Just had a little flash memory on it, with no port so. Man, there just it was a huge learning curve because I just you know, there’s so many systems I didn’t know. You know, slowly but surely we started documenting things. And then, of course, as we started scaling, a lot of systems started going into place and actually getting a business coach and a mentor, it kind of helped me through that whole process. Helped a ton.

Josh Fonger: [00:04:09] Ok. So there were some things, some gaps. And maybe your dad didn’t know about the you to seek other way. other where, ok.

Brandon Vaughn: [00:04:14] Yes. Yeah, exactly.

Josh Fonger: [00:04:17] So when you bring on your first employee, because I mean, as you know, our audience is all trying to do what you did, right. They’re trying to take their enterprise where they have it all in their head. How do they go to that next level? Get over that paradigm shift. So a big part of that was you had some hiring. So how did you actually bring on your first people and how did they do?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:04:37] Well, when we first started growing, you know, hired my first few employees. It was mostly friends and family, you know, friends of family and family of friends, and just kind of utilize as much of our inner circle as possible. However, like two thousand and fourteen ish somewhere, you know, two to three years and we are kind of growing. Something having nowhere in the middle of our busy season. So we’re booked out solid for two months straight and within about three weeks of each other, over half of my team members quit while we’re booked out solid. And this is when I had my first panic attack, literally just curled up on the couch in the fetal position, telling my wife employees suck. I quit. I just really wanted to be done with employees and know if you’ve read the e-myth. But I’m sure you have been a systems guy. But that was like for me going, OK, I want to go back to the infancy stage of business when it was just simple, just me. My dad had a right the whole time, just, you know, be your own owner-operator. But that kind of that event led me down a journey on really working on company culture and figuring out how to attract people and how to invest into them first and actually care about their hopes and dreams and goals first before expecting them to care about your business’s hopes and dreams and goals. So it was a pretty pivotal moment for me to kind of explore that a little bit more. Some of those systems.

Josh Fonger: [00:06:09] That’s a great idea, a great story. And I think hopefully everyone listening will learn from your panic attack. Then I find it so that, yes, the employees, of course, that they work for the money. But then at certain point, they just like, well, it’s hard to like this. And they knew you didn’t really have a future for them planned out. That was exciting. So they were they weren’t really that bested. So what did you what did you do in the culture? Because this is a service based industry. They’re cleaning windows. I started a business cleaning windows. We talked about that. Right. I was in between freshman sophomore year in college. And so it’s a good business to make some cash for a while, but had to get people to actually stick that kind of culture?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:06:54] You know, it’s one of those things where we had to recognize that it’s entry level position. We had embraced that. You know, the days of when people used to work at the same job for 30, 40 years and where it is like a badge of honor. Like those days are gone. The new generation of workers and employees, they’re looking for impact. They’re looking for appreciation and recognition. They want to be able to, you know, see progress happening. And they’re used to things happening quickly. So when things don’t happen quickly, you get very impatient and they want to do something else. So honestly, kind of like my first foray into coaching began internally with my own employees. So one of the things that that we did is whenever I interviewed anybody, I in matter who was I would say, OK, there’s two kinds of people that come and work for this company. The first person understands that this is an entry level job and they perhaps have bigger dreams and aspirations of things that they want to do, maybe their dream job or something over here. We want that person to feel like during their time here, at All Clean. It was the best job they ever had, their absolute best job. And that when we were when they were here, they learned skills and traits and developed professionally to be able to get them that next dream job. So we gave people a membership to Linda dot com, free membership to Linda dot com. If they said they wanted to be a graphic designer, we would say, OK, let’s let’s get you set up on these courses and here’s these free courses here and here’s how to win friends and influence people. If you want to be a manager and here’s, you know, read this and come back to us with the report. And we had a whole business library full of books and personal development books that we actually had in each one of our locations to get people to always be thinking about improving themselves. During our team meetings, we talked about, you know, Financial Peace University and how to have, you know, the Dave Ramsey cash method and help set family budgets and improve their credit scores. And then if they said that they wanted to go to Uganda for three months on a mission trip, we said, OK, let’s figure out how much we need to save each month and set aside and let’s plan this together so that you can get that dream vacation, that dream trip you’ve always wanted to go on to. So that’s really how we kind of developed, you know, those people. And the second group of people, we said, you know, maybe you want to stay here and move into a sales position or a management position. And if that’s the case, let’s talk about what that path looks like. So focusing on them first developed is really know voile, culture inside of our company to where they also cared about the success of the company.

Josh Fonger: [00:09:34] Ok. That’s really a. That’s really neat. See, you divide into two two classes, you have the class that actually want to grow within the business. It’s out of vision because you I mean, your vision was not stay local and small, but it’s expanded, right. You’re actually at some other locations now or people who just said, hey, this is between high school and college or somewhere in that phase and I’m OK doing this for a year or two, but I’m not really long term. OK. Two different tracks.

Brandon Vaughn: [00:10:00] Yeah. And if they you know, if they got their next dream job and gave their two weeks notice rather than punishing them, we celebrated it. We talked about how awesome was we had a going away party for them and, you know, celebrated their success with that, because I think to many employers, they they almost feel insulted when someone’s gonna quit, when someone’s going to move on to an opportunity. But if it’s truly an amazing opportunity for them, why wouldn’t you celebrate that? And I think our employees got to a point where team members, you know, they knew that they felt that.

Josh Fonger: [00:10:32] So I know what some owners are thinking right now. And the owners who are especially cash strapped right now and time strapped, they’re thinking, well, we have time to, you know, give them Linda dot com and give them other things and celebrate them and couch them and the money to do that. How did you get past? How did you get passed feelings like that? How did you make the time of money for those things?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:10:55] Well, the first thing that I did is I sat down and I did a cost analysis on how much it cost for me to turn over an employee. So when I lost an employee and there’s lots of studies that have been done on this where can be, you know, six months of an employee salary all the way up to a year’s worth. But for our company, we determine that for every employee that turned over in the business, about six thousand dollars for our technicians and our managers is substantially higher. But when you have to retrain, you have damages. When you have new employees that don’t understand what this is. You really start realizing that investing in these things here that keep them engaged and appreciated. And, you know, you invest back into them. They stay in our number one lead source for new employees was actually referrals from our employees. So one of the things that we did is we actually had an employee referral incentive program where if an employee referred another team member into our company and they stayed with us for at least six months, they would get a cash bonus for referring them. So the amazing thing happened. They would start telling employees, hey, you got to come work for this company. It’s the best company I ever worked for. It’s an amazing culture. But, hey, if you aren’t coming and sticking around, you know, don’t bother applying like you got to stay here. So they started like pre vetting our future employees, making sure that they were going to stick around for the long haul. And so that was a pretty cool side benefit of offering that incentive program.

Josh Fonger: [00:12:20] I love that idea. And that’s, you know, it’s equipping your team to do the work for you. And the way that’s a win win. And whenever you can sort of win win systems like that, simple ones. That’s that’s very cool. I’ve also tell people that this is a perfect example for those if I’m coaching where I say if people are coming and going, your business, maybe a business, not a great place to work. And it’s not maybe the employee’s fault, but it’s what the system you’ve built. So how did you may sound like you’re a big part of making that culture happen? How did you keep that culture in place as the company grew and as you’ve spent less and less time in the business day to day?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:12:58] It all kind of fell upon leadership. You know, at the beginning when we were kind of growing and trying to put leadership in place, I learned lessons along the way of being a little bit too close to some of my employees, almost kind of more like a friend than really a true leader or a boss. Hate the word boss. But, you know, when you start calling your your employees, “hey, bro how it going?”, and you know, and things and you probably have lost that balance of, you know, employer-employee relationship. So understanding how to build up leaders in your company is so critical for growth. And oftentimes what I see people do is if they’re going to, for instance, you know, they need an operations manager to manage all the technicians and the employees. When the common mistakes I see is that they’ll take the best producer. Well, this guy does really great production, so therefore, I’m going to make him the manager or he’s been with me the longest. Therefore, I’m going to make him the manager. What they don’t look at is has this person been able to recreate himself? Have they been able to put someone equally as good as they are, you know, and create them from scratch and actually train and get them up to that level? Or do they only know how to just be good just themselves? So, you know, making sure that you have a really good management team in place that has a servant leadership mentality because people don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses. And if you put a bad boss in place as a middle manager or, you know, some kind of a leadership position, people will leave and they will be disengaged.

Josh Fonger: [00:14:36] So I don’t know how detailed you can get into this, but you can answer on the question if you want to. But here you’ve grown this and now you’re starting to. I think you said you sold your business, but you still work in the business and now you’ve had different locations. So how did you get it ready for that? Did you get it puts things in place. I know a lot of people listening eventually want to do it. They want to sell their company. So how did you do that?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:15:00] You know, it’s funny because a few years ago, we’re in the middle of we’re on we were growing almost almost double every single year, year over year. And there were some times when it was really tough, the business was really hard. And most times when business is really, really hard, it’s because you’re missing certain systems inside of your company that help with scaling it up and you will typically fined all your pain point is usually the exact Achilles heel in your company where you need to focus and build some more systems and processes and things and training, you know, training programs and things that get that to improve. But during that time period, I made a promise to my wife that within the next five years we would grow the business and we would sell it. And, you know, a few years later, literally three years later, from doing that, we had an offer on the table that was a fantastic offer. And the timing of it just sounded right. And during the process of me working on selling it and getting it ready to sell, it’s kind of like when you’re getting ready to sell your house, you put on the fresh coat of paint. You replace those little rotten boards on the side of the house. You know, you finally, finally fix that hinge on like the cover that’s always been squeaking forever. And when it kind of got to the point where a business was ready to sell, it was running very, very smoothly. And I was able to step out of it. In fact the last several, several months before I exit out of the company, we would have our directors meetings with my director of operations admin in sales, and then I was called the Invisible Man. So I would literally be on our calls. And they all named themselves different superheroes. They were my Justice League. That’s another thing. But, hey, you know, I was the invisible man, so I was not that involved in the business at the time that I sold, which really is what an owner or potential buyer is going to want to look for. They want to see a business that runs without the owner because they don’t want to buy a job. They want to buy a business. And so it was it was a pretty amazing process to kind of go through that all the way to the point where I was able to exit last year.

Josh Fonger: [00:17:04] So now part of the exit. Are you still on as a advisor to the business or how does that work?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:17:09] No, not on this advisor to the business. They the two entrepreneurs that bought it are just absolutely rock stars and they’ve been expanding the company All Clean, soft wash out nationally. When I left, there was, you know, two locations that, you know, we were primarily responsible for. And then they had multiple locations kind of around the country. And now that’s become All Clean/Soft Wash. And they have like nine; nine locations and growing. So it’s pretty cool to see. See the business kind of continue to grow in that legacy to kind of still live on.

Josh Fonger: [00:17:40] That’s awesome. Congratulations on that. Well, let’s get to the you know, your your life now, because you’ve kind of you’ve learned all these things and now you’re you’re a coach, you’re a consultant, not just your staff, but to other business owners. How what do you do? Like what is your process now? One day when it comes to you and has issues, what what do you what process do you take them through?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:18:03] The initial process is finding out what is the number one focus area they need to work on right now. Because I think the most difficult things for business owners is there’s so many things that you can work on and focus on at one time. A lot of business owners confuse busywork with making progress. Like, I don’t understand a working 50, 60 hours a week. And I just don’t feel like I’m growing. I’ll feel like I’m getting anywhere. It’s usually because they’re not getting out of their own way and they’re not saying this stuff’s not important. I can delegate these tasks. I need to focus on this one thing here. So usually one of the first things that we do is we actually have some is called the Business Snapshot Report, which if anyone wants that, we have a download link on the Web site they’ll give at the end, you know, where they can go and they can download it. And kind of start working through some of that process. But it identifies what is your number one department that you need to work on and what you don’t track and measure. You can’t improve. So we actually have people score themselves and each one of these categories and each one of their departments that kind of identifies where the weak spot is. And then we hone in and say, OK, this week your accountability is you’re going to get this number from a 1 up to a 10. And here’s exactly how we’re gonna do that. Here’s business systems and resources and templates that you can have, you can implement, you can put in place, and then you can just start improving those. So it’s very tailored and very structured towards exactly what the business needs are and getting them up to that, you know, scoring 10 and all their categories.

Josh Fonger: [00:19:33] Very cool. I’m going to check that out after this call here. So you work with service based businesses, mainly, based on your back, on your so you so that they take the snapshot report. They say oh gosh, am I’m a two with my employee culture and a one with this? And maybe they have like 10 different things that are all ones and twos instead of 10s. How do you pick the one that really is the problem area?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:19:56] Typically it is picking the one that, you know, the coach tells the coach can tell will make the quickest impact on their you know, on their business. I guess some things you can’t take from a one to a 10 in one week’s time. You know, company culture, you can get started. You start having weekly team meetings, start putting, you know, employee review processes in place, having offer letters and job descriptions and training programs and checklists for them. The top 12 happiest employees in the workplace say that their boss set really clear roles and expectations for themselves. So oftentimes just even small things like that of just getting down on paper or hey, here’s what I would expect of you. Here’s the metrics that we’re going to measure you on a regular basis. And we’re gonna get together every month, every quarter, every six months to be able to check your progress. And again, what you measure and track. You can improve. So just small little tweaks can make a massive impact on culture. But it usually just starts with this week. We’re going to work on this and nothing else until this is done.

Josh Fonger: [00:21:02] So with the measurements, are there certain measurements? You always go to measurements you think all small businesses really need to put in place?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:21:11] Mm hmm. All small businesses, we focus very specifically on just service based businesses. So as far as like universal ones, I don’t want to just say, well, profit margins and things like that, because those are everyone knows those types of things. But in our industry, specifically, one of the key metrics that we focus a lot on is that some is called capacity, which is a fantastic metric for figuring out a sales goal this month of one hundred thousand dollars. And so far you have about fifty thousand dollars booked and sold, you know, for the entire rest of the month. How much more can you actually fit in? Can you actually fit in? Fifty thousand. Because when the time moves by, you know, there comes a point to where now there’s no way you can hit that goal unless you add on a whole bunch of trucks, a whole bunch more. Even if you sell it, you still can’t actually do the work. So that capacity metric is actually one that with all of our Conker clients, our coach will get together with them every single week and say, okay, what’s your capacity at what your book, what your goal track that progress. And it’s been very eye-opening for service business owners to understand, you know, at what point they need to focus the teeter totter on increasing production or increasing sales. So capacity metric is one that we in our industry take a look at weekly all the time.

Josh Fonger: [00:22:33] So so do you think the biggest problem this start to work on that? And then what’s more of the long term approach that you take with clients after that?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:22:39] The big the big long term approach that we take is really starting to focus on mindset and leadership development. One of the things that I like to talk to people about is the seven stages of belief, because, you know, rather than the five stages of grief, there’s seven stages of belief to where it goes all the way from, really having no clue what you don’t know and all your goals being so tiny and so small because you just don’t believe anything bigger than that as possible. All the way up until, you know, you’re in the acceptance stage, in the execution stage where you’re actually executing on these large goals. So we. To really bridge that mindset gap, because typically the six inches between the ears are where most business owners end up failing to realize their business goals and failing to realize that their businesses, you know, is not a tool for their life. They’re just like a tool for their business and they’re just, you know, working and grind and not really making any progress. And most of the time when that’s the case, it has to do with someone that’s lacking in execution and that has to do with a discipline and mindset type of type of behavior.

Josh Fonger: [00:23:50] So now that you mentioned the what what are the seven real quick. What are those seven state assembly if you don’t have them memorized.

Brandon Vaughn: [00:23:58] The seven the seven stages of belief. Yeah. Let me go ahead and go ahead and pull them up and take a look at them because I do have them memorized kind of, but not quite really. So the first one is first one’s fear. OK. Everyone starts out in fear, fear growth, fear of risks feel or fear of the unknown, fear of failure. Then the next stage is justification, which is well, you know, just getting bigger means more problems or, you know, getting there is not worth it. What I’m doing is good enough. No one can do a good job as me. So I need to be the guy that’s out in the field. The next stage, stage 3, is the breakthrough stage where you finally have the aha moment. You see or you hear about someone who is actually doing the thing that you thought was impossible. And then you have this breakthrough moment. Then the next stage after that comes denial. When you’re like now that never work here, it’s a wrong market. Now you understand it can’t find anyone good to work for me in my my market, government, whatever. There’s always that denial phase that comes in. And then after that is depression, where you realize that you are you know, you feel like a failure for not getting that thing that you now see as possible. That comes acceptance afterwards where you finally accept the fact that you’re the bottleneck. It is your mindset and that you need to accept guidance from people that have actually done it and accept that guidance. And then the last stage is actually executing because believing and executing are two very different things. And I tell a lot of; We have a little mantra that we say in our inner circle, our mastermind group, that’s don’t lie. The lie stands for lack in execution. So don’t lack an execution. And if you are lacking in execution, you’re literally lying to yourself. You say you’re going to do something that, you know, this vision is going to become a reality and you don’t you’re just lying. So we tell people, don’t lie. Don’t lie. You’ve got to get this done. And we put a lot of really ridiculous accountabilities in place to make sure that if people. I mean, when I say ridiculous, I mean, if you don’t get this done with you, get this system implemented into your team by next week and come back to us with a report showing that it’s been executed on, you’re gonna have to get on a Facebook live in the Conca group and, you know, go live and sing. I’m a little teapot short and stout. And if Wednesday is the deadline Tuesday evening, they’re typically like finalizing it, making sure that they’re not going to have to do that the next day. So it’s, it’s you know, that’s mainly what the big role of the coaches play is holding people accountable to actually getting things done.

Josh Fonger: [00:26:33] Yeah. What you guys make it fun, too. I love that. And. Great. You know, anyone who is listening, hopefully a chance to write down those seven stages and maybe that you found yourself in one of those days at some time or other. So what’s the quickest way to go from fear to execution? Can that be done? In just a minute, it’s time to snap your fingers and get there. It is to take some time to actually get that?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:26:56] Well, for me, it took it took quite a quite a period of time. Honestly, I didn’t actually start really improving until I had that breakthrough moment and that acceptance phase. I think the longest part is just the difference between the acceptance into execution, because you can go from being totally mortified to accepting the fact that, you know what, I’m the bottleneck. This is where I need to do I need to start taking action. But that biggest gap is between acceptance and execution. So, you know, for me, having a business coach for the last six years, five years made a massive impact on me. There’s no way I would have been able to overcome my self limiting beliefs without being able to see that not only was a possible, but here’s the very clear path on how to overcome it. And when I’m like, terrified, staying at the edge, you know, saying, I don’t want to jump, I don’t want to jump. They’re like, no, no, no, it’s fine. You can jump. You just build the plane on the way down. It’s totally fine. You can totally do it. It wasn’t until I had those coaches that were pushing me to actually execute. And then, you know, starting to see results that I started getting more confidence that helped me execute more often. And even when it felt like it was super risky, still executing.

Josh Fonger: [00:28:09] And I suppose when you’re when you’re actually in the middle of executing, you personally think that the risks are really huge. But what’s what’s the worst that could happen?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:28:17] That’s right.

Josh Fonger: [00:28:17] And now it’s like.

Brandon Vaughn: [00:28:18] It’s true. Yeah, it’s true.

Josh Fonger: [00:28:21] Especially when you have a new system like you’re talking about, the worst that can happen is. You have to tweak it the next week to make it better. I mean.

Brandon Vaughn: [00:28:27] Exactly, exactly.

Josh Fonger: [00:28:27] Like a small but they seem big in your mind.

Brandon Vaughn: [00:28:31] My business partner Josh, he’s always saying, you know, take massive, imperfect action. You know, just it it’s going to be imperfect. I think sometimes, you know, everyone sees the wine, but no one sees the crushing of the grapes. There’s also another one of his famous Josh ism, Josh isms. But basically, you know, what you see on the highlight reel on Facebook and social media of other people’s businesses can make you feel like a failure. But I promise you that nobody has a fully systemized, completely turn-key, zero improvements need to be made ever again business. Nobody has that. Everyone is always tweaking and working on it. And when you’re at a hundred thousand dollars a year or you’re at a hundred million dollars a year, you’re always tweaking and working on things. Because with each new stage of business comes adjustments to systems and new systems and then technology changes and you’ve got to go in and you got to tweak things anyways. So the sooner you get used to just going in and making changes and implementing things, the faster you can keep up the pace.

Josh Fonger: [00:29:33] Well, Brandon has been very helpful to me and hopefully everyone listening because it’s inspiration to know that you can face those fears if you do it to find a way and enjoy and enjoy the challenge. It’s also for people who have accepted that it is the responsibility. A lot of people who are on this, who are on this watching this, have gotten to that point, I think. But understand that that’s the place. Acceptance, execution. Maybe you need help, maybe you need support. But get that, because if you’re not executing, not really get anywhere, you’re just kind of wallowing in that right there. Well, good. Well, again, Brad. Thanks again for being on the show. And thank you all for joining us on the Work The System Podcast. If you want a copy of the book, Work The System, which is right behind me here, make sure to give us a review. Put it on either Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, whatever you are watching this and then email it to us. And then before I go, Brad, I forgot to ask where people find you. Find out more about what you do and your new coaching program?

Brandon Vaughn: [00:30:31] Well, if you want that small business snapshot report, you want to download that. If you head over to A G S conker dot com slash work the system. How about that? Huh Josh? A G S conker dot com slash work the system. Anyone who’s listened this podcast will give you guys that free business snapshot report. No strings attached, no anything along those lines. And if you want to learn more about the Conker program, there’s a really cheesy video of me talking about the Conker program. If you can make it through the video and watch it, all the details are in there on how you could apply to join our mastermind group. That’s just for service business owners. So it’s just for service, home services, business owners.

Josh Fonger: [00:31:11] Perfect. Very good brand. Thanks for putting that plug in there. Everyone, check out the snapshot. I will, too, and check out next week, where we do another podcast, hopefully live on Facebook again. And we’ll see you all next week.

Brandon Vaughn: [00:31:23] Awesome, thanks for having me, Josh..

Josh Fonger: [00:31:24] Thanks Brandon.

Brandon Vaughn: [00:31:25] See ya.


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