Effective Team Leadership Strategy


Since each and every person in your company has a unique set of skills and abilities, wouldn’t it make sense to delegate tasks in a manner that effectively optimizes those unique qualities? Shannon Waller, top business strategy coach, says that the success of your business lays within the framework of your team. If you can identify what each member’s unique ability is, you will become a better team leader.     


In this episode, Shannon Waller — director and entrepreneurial team strategist at Strategic Coach — gives a thoughtful review of her groundbreaking team leadership strategy.    

Listen to this recording to find:

  • How to foster a proper entrepreneurial mindset 
  • Characteristics of an effective team leader 
  • Developing a strategic plan for the future


Host:                Josh Fonger

Guest:              Shannon Waller

Duration:         33:43

Please Note: The following is a computer auto-generated transcript and will include some inaccuracies.

Josh  0:00
Welcome to the Work The System Podcast where we help entrepreneurs make more and work less using systems and I’m your host, Josh Fonger. And today we have a special guest. We have Shannon Waller. Shannon is a keynote speaker presenter and business strategy coach, and she has been training entrepreneurs in growth mindset practices with Strategic Coach for nearly 30 years. Shannon is the creator of In-House Experience Entrepreneurial Team Programs. As Strategic Coach and a COBie certified consultant. She won the 2015 Colby professional award for individual leadership in building cognitive excellence. Shannon has also co-authored three books, including the bestseller Unique Ability 2.0 Discovery, and her newest book Multiplication By Subtraction. Alright, Shannon, welcome to the show.

Shannon  0:49  
Thank you, Josh, for having me. I’m delighted.

Josh  0:52
Alright, so Shannon, once you give us the backstory, how did you get involved with Strategic Coach? And what has brought you up to this point right now?

Shannon  1:00
All right, well, on the briefest possible way of talking about it, I met Babs Smith and Dan Sullivan, almost 30 years ago now. Because at that point, Strategic Coach was quite a small organization and used to rent seminar room space from the company that I was working for. And so I and I were in charge of training and training programs for General Motors of Canada. That was our big client. Anyway, long story very short, I ended up joining Strategic Coach because I knew I might have an opportunity to work with entrepreneurs. And I had been dying to get out and work with clients, and wasn’t having that opportunity where I was. And so they offered me actually a sales position. And I was like, okay, I’ll do it, I’ll make the leap. So I made the entrepreneur leap into straight commission and had no clue what I was doing very lean a few years, at the very beginning. But eventually, I got good, built my own sales team of five people plus me, so six, but then I realized, and we’re going to talk about this a little bit today that I was excellent, but not unique at sales, I could make a very good living, I could pay my team well, but there was something really missing. And so I went back to school, because I wasn’t sure if I could still write like a two page essay anymore, my brain was resting a little bit. And I came up with the idea through I got some great coaching from a client. And she said alternative education is on this Colby profile, which we might chat about. And I thought, oh, okay, and so I went and took a training design course. And out of that came up with the idea for programs that would help the team members of Strategic Coach clients actually understand what the entrepreneur was doing differently. And then finally, I got a call. Well, my entrepreneurs were asking me, my clients were asking me for help, because they weren’t doing a good job translating Strategic Coach to their team. And then finally, a team member called me and said, Shannon, what have you done to my entrepreneur? And I was like, oh, there really is a need here. So out of that, I created the Strategic Coach team programs, it was originally a school project, that was 1995. And now it’s a large part of my career and a good sized portion of coach two. So I’m very proud of those things. And the fact that we can really help entrepreneurs and team members work a lot better together,

Josh  3:08
Will you tell me the general theory of the coach program in teams like what was the thesis? And how does it work?

Shannon 3:18 
What are the main aspects of a coach is really being able to figure out what we call your unique ability, so your unique ability, and there’s a couple different ways of describing it. But one really effective way is that, you know, so things you’d love to do, and are best at. So this is, and this is not just your ego talking, other people agree that you’re really really good at this, but you love it. So you bring a passion in your eyes light up, you get excited, you lean in. And in addition to that, it gives you the activity that actually gives you energy. So you might be physically tired at the end of the day, but you’re kind of like lit up on the inside, no drugs required. And this is a little bit of the paradoxical part is that it also is where you see never ending improvement, because you have a passion for it, because you love it, you always have room to get better. There’s other areas of our life that we know we technically could get better at, but we have zero mental energy or emotional energy for doing that. So that’s a unique ability. It’s also where you’re a hero to other people, it’s where you have made the biggest contribution, which I think is what all of us are up to. And when we’re freed up to do those things, which is why I’m so happy to be on this podcast, because we know, we both have that same aim of freeing up entrepreneurs to do what they’re best at, and your ways, your systems. I’ve got some other strategies too. But what we do that is how people can make their best contribution. Now, how it ties into teamwork is really interesting. If you’re going to be freed up to do what you’re best at, if I’m going to be freed up to do what I’m best at, well, who’s going to do the other stuff? And who do we want doing that stuff? Someone who hates it or is bad at it as we are or do we want someone who has unique ability, you know, in the areas that we don’t and so unique ability teamwork is a really different version of teamwork. Everyone’s familiar with corporate teamwork. I read the books in corporate for a little part of my life before coach. But it’s especially working with General Motors, you get exposed to the largest private wealth largest corporation in Canada other than the government. And, you know, that’s, that’s the kind of standard version unique ability elevates it to where you’re really working with partners or colleagues who are as passionate and skilled and talented in their area of expertise as you are in yours. And that makes for an entirely different and much more successful strategic, productive, profitable organization. So that’s how they tie together in my mind.

Josh  5:39
So, my team is watching this, and I’m sure a lot of folks are watching this as well. What do we do to find out everyone’s unique abilities so that we can build this kind of a team?

Shannon  5:50
Well, you mentioned the book that I’m co author of, although I have to admit, in this version of the book, my teammates did the heavy lifting. It’s called Likability 2.0 Discovery. And my sister Julia, I call her that you could be like the queen. She doesn’t give herself that title, but I do. And she’s really the one who took the different exercises that Dan Sullivan, co-founder of coach had created, pardon me. And she’s the one that really integrated them into this process. And this whole, this whole way of discovering it. And it’s great, because the book is brilliantly articulated. Katherine and Julia did a great job of that. And then the workbook is where you actually go through the exercises, the ones that people pay for and coach. And it’s like sitting down in a cafe with your very own coach on paper, where you kind of examine, you know, you ask other people, what do you think is my inability? And then you have to take them seriously. That’s the only tricky part. We have you do your Colby profile, for example, we have you do the Clifton strengths, profile, just to give language to those things that are so instinctual and hard and intuitive for us that we kind of gloss over them. But other people actually really value and appreciate them. And then we say, okay, well, other people say this about you, what are you doing? What are your best habits related to your unique ability, and then you craft a statement, and then you look at your activities, you do an inventory and you figure out what you are doing that’s unique and what’s not. And then you figure out an action plan. So as you can tell, it’s a multi stage process that Juliet’s beautifully crafted. But really going through that process, either in coach or in this knowledge product, where it’s all put together for you, is really powerful. And it just, it will fan the flames of some things you already know. And give you permission to stop doing some things you don’t like and don’t do well anyway.

Josh  7:38
So let’s say you do that. And you find out that there’s all these things in your business that no one’s actually good at. No one has a unique ability for what you dp. What are the ways to solve that? I’m sure that comes up.

Shannon  7:51
I’ve done a really fun exercise. And it actually came from a client. And this is what he did with his team, he was a little bit concerned there, everyone’s worried that Oh, my gosh, you have to go and hire like 10 people, everyone freaks out at the cost and all the rest of it. So what we had everyone do, and by the way, you can be unique, excellent, competent or incompetent at an activity. And it’s excellent where you have superior skill, just not the same passion. If you have to do it forever, you’ll call brownout not burnout, but you’ll get really tired and bored. So you but if everyone on your team, if you could imagine is living at the level or operating at the level excellent and unique. You’ve got a you know what team, there could have run circles around everybody else. And and also, because you’re freed up, you’re an entrepreneur, you are the most valuable person in your business. And right now, some of the activities that you’re doing just what you help people with Josh, is put us where you’re very highly paid some activities, so we can free you up to do higher value activities, then that’s, you know, you’re gonna you’re gonna be generating more revenue for the business, and then you can afford to pay for those people. But back to the exercise. So my client was concerned with the same function. So I had heard about this from someone and took it to this new capability day I was having with the team, and everyone put up the activities that they were doing, and the ones they wanted to keep, they put in one color of a sticky note. And the ones that they were less keen on, they put it in different color, and everyone did this. And then and so then everyone’s job was to go and pick off something from someone else’s list that they didn’t like that they would actually be either excellent or unique. And guess what? There was one sticky note left. That’s it. All of the other activities had been picked up by other people. Now you ended up with some fairly unique job descriptions. You know, you wouldn’t have been able to pull them out of a book because they were customized to the team and this was a 10 person team. So not not tiny, but you know, but also not gigantic, and it was amazing. So they actually end up hiring one. I think it was a 12 hour a week person for that one role. It had to do with filing and organizing that They weren’t great at or just ran out of time for anything you procrastinate about forever. You know, that’s it, all of you do that, that’s kind of what you want to delegate. But it really, you know, their investment was minuscule. And what they end up doing is freeing up everyone, which provides some really good productivity and profitability results I might add.

Josh  10:19
Yeah, no, I love that idea. The idea of breaking up all the things in the business and then actually just dividing it not on traditionals, like marketing your sales, because there’s a lot more pieces to that puzzle. Interesting. Now, does this change? So let’s just say that I ran this test, and I’m in my 30s. And I think, Okay, this is who I am, or people kind of grow and change and develop, and maybe it’s different in their 40s or 50s.

Shannon 10:43
Great question. And since I’ve been doing this for the last almost 30 years, I can tell you my own experience. What happens with your likability is really fascinating. It doesn’t actually change. But it does get refined, it actually gets tighter, if you’re clear. And what actually does change is your audience. And by that, I mean you get a little pickier. You know, before you know if some kind of advanced problem solving was something that you were, you just love to do at the beginning of your career, and you were like to kind of complicated complex stuff that was like mentally, you know, engaging for you. After a while, if you’ve solved the same problems. 16 times, it’s like been there, done that, got 16 t-shirts, you want a higher level issue to tackle, right, you just just for your own brain, if nothing else, and your own challenge. So you know, the complexity might change, the audience might change, I used to work with every team member and now I pretty much only work with entrepreneurs. And team leaders and their leadership teams, you know, and it’s also good. Because if I’m working with teams, we have a great program called team tools, which is now going virtual, very excited, which I think will make it bigger, which is kind of cool, nice byproduct of this weird time that we’re in. And what’s interesting about that is if I were to coach the regular team tools program, which I originally created in teamwork with other people, I keep changing it, I keep messing with it, I don’t do the same thing, you know, every session. And so other coaches have taken that over, and they keep it the same and they get consistent results. And they’re not always tweaking it. I’m the one who makes it less profitable. Because I’m mucking around. But me doing what I do best with leadership teams is how I progress. So again, what do I do? Is it the same unique ability, technically, yes, is still coaching and team leadership and, you know, you know, entrepreneur strategies, but it’s, it’s with a different audience. So you 100% refine your audience, and probably the level of the issue situation, however opportunity that you want to tackle. That’s actually what changes so it gets refined, and it gets more nuanced, and it gets richer, but also more compact, if that makes sense.

Josh  12:56 
No, totally does that. That’s good to know. So if your unique ability as coaching doesn’t mean you’re doing coaching in this way, with this kind of person in this location, it’s going to be a lot more specific or change over time. Now, there’s a topic that I think you know a lot about, that I want to explore, which is the entrepreneurial mindset and this concept of going TEDx, this idea of ambition. And you and I’ve had conversations before in the past about the differences between those who just stay, and those who really expand. And I thought maybe if you could tell us maybe what some of those characteristics are because you’ve been in this industry a while that you can read someone said, You know what, this person is going to go somewhere because of their mindset or their ambition or how they fit together. This person just they’re not ready for yet. Like the trigger hasn’t been.

Shannon 13:48
Yeah, yeah. Oh, there’s so many. So I’ll talk about a couple of the key ones is whether or not someone who has an abundance mindset versus a scarcity mindset. If someone thinks that oh my gosh, you know, and this was actually Dan Silva, Dan, Dan went, he was divorced once and bankrupt twice. But he was also divorced mcwrap on the same day for one of those, but his recognition was, you know, it’s like, I quit. Like, he wasn’t a natural businessman, if you know what I mean. That’s how he talks about it. But he’s just, you know, what, I know, there’s a lot of money out there. I just haven’t figured out how to get it yet. You know, and that’s kind of the mindset could be money. It could be, you know, whatever you consider to be wealth or abundance. He knew was out there. He just knew he hadn’t figured it out yet. And that’s kind of the attitude, I think that’s required. It’s like, okay, I know it exists. I just have to figure out how to connect with it somehow. It’s not that it doesn’t exist or that doesn’t exist for you. If you think the world is that it’s a zero sum game, you’re stuck. If you think for you to win, someone else has to lose. We’re not going anywhere. As a society, your company’s not going to go anywhere. This is about creating a bigger pie. And why shouldn’t you Have a piece of that? So I think this abundance mindset is huge. A client asked me if I recommended the book mindset by Carol Dweck or not. And like yes, one of my favorite books. And she talks about having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset. So if you’re someone who’s a perfectionist and doesn’t try new things, because you are worried about failing, again, really tough to grow. So if you want a growth mindset is, you know, it’s like, oh, okay, failing is just, you know, one more thing I have to do to it, so I can figure out how to win, you know, and to succeed. So a growth mindset is absolutely essential. And one of the other ones that might be a little bit more subtle, but Dan talks about this a lot. And I think, and he’s the mindset, you know, guy, is it action beats thinking about something forever. So learning by doing is really important, it’s like, what is the smallest first action you can take? test it out, figure out what worked? What didn’t? What are you gonna do differently next time and then go do that. So it’s that constant iteration. And that is far superior. And like, if you can, in his version of coming up with a new idea is to either draw it in our workshop room, when we were there, our network on zoom, or drawing it out of a smartboard. Or, you know, if you’re sitting in our cafe, it’s not a piece of paper, and then test it out in conversation with clients. What is the smallest first action innovation? People are like, oh, my gosh, that’s mind expanding? Great. Go with it. And if they go, then that goes to the side, you come up with another one. But it really is this idea of testing on your own check writers, test on check writers, we can think it’s the most brilliant idea ever. But you know, it’s like beauties in the eye of the beholder. value creation is in the eyes of your audience. And we talked about it to audiences, you know, your check writers are the one who will tell you, oh, I love that, or no, I really don’t. And no, I’m not paying for it. So, you know, test it on your check writers, not not yours. Well, I’ve tested on my husband, my family, my kids, you know, my friends, my neighbor, you know, it’s whether or not someone writes a check for it. And then you know whether or not you’ve got an idea worth pursuing. So those are some of the ones probably four. But those are some of the key ones that I know, that are really important for that, you know, both of our clients who are successful entrepreneurs, that’s what they do. They have a belief that there’s an abundance of growth, by taking action is superior to anything else, and learning from your audience. And then testing on people who are actually, you know, could write a check for you. And the safest way to do that, by the way, is to actually start with your existing clients, because they know you and love you and value and appreciate you. And then, you know, then you can test on someone who hasn’t written you a check yet, but they’re the best ones to test out some of your new ideas with.

Josh 17:48
Yeah, I love that. All great tips. I wrote them all down. Now what about and I’m not sure when these people are gonna watch this recording. So we’ll try to make this timeless. But there’s uncertainty in the market right now. But by the way, there’s always uncertainty. So what do leaders do during uncertain times? To lead properly? Are there any kinds of tools and coaches that really kind of help in this kind of time?

Shannon  18:15
It’s really interesting, I want to refer to Are we a scary time success manual. And this is available at StrategicCoach.com and it’s free. Download it, if you’re having a bad day, pull it out, read it. What’s interesting is Dan originally created it right after 911. And we pulled it out several times since then, we’re at Toronto, where I am, we had SARS in 2003, we’ve had the recession 2000 789. You know, there’s been some scary times. But what’s interesting is that as an entrepreneur, we all signed up for scary times, you know, we are willing to think our nervous systems are actually better trained, or we’ve trained them or we built the muscles to handle scary times. So there’s, there’s 10 strategies in there, which are phenomenal, Dan and I kind of by accident, a video series, which is amazing. He created a bunch of tools, we did a deep dive podcast series, which is I felt so lucky during COVID and the pandemic that I got to hang out with Dan and have these conversations because it kept my spirits so high, it kept my mindset in the best possible place. Number one is forget about yourself, focus on others. So there’s a ton of resources in there. But one of the other things I’ve learned is that when things, leadership, especially in “scary times”, is really checking in with people emotionally first. Just check how they are doing. And if we try to skip over that and I’m someone who’s an action oriented person, I’m focused on doing I love strategy. You know, it can be if I’m, if I’m fine, kind of assume most other people are two may or may not be the case. But if I’m not fine, I sure as heck want you to ask about me, just let me be clear. But starting with people’s emotions, and just checking in Like people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. And I think that as a leader right now, that’s one of the big lessons I’ve learned when things are going well, prepare me, and things are going well. Say that properly. Or when things are good things are going well, people tend to be fine. They might have a little blip in their personal life or something. But overall, they’re okay. Now, even if you’re okay, someone else close to you isn’t, or couldn’t or possibly isn’t. So I think really just checking in with people is the number one leadership thing I’ve learned. And I was at a coaching workshop this week, with my brilliant team leaders, one of the one of the things I created that I stopped. And I just checked in with everyone. And we spent about an hour at the beginning of our zoom workshop day, but it was so useful, because then you got to know and then we’ve just powered through the rest of the thinking it was really easy, because everyone actually felt heard listened to had a very receptive, caring group of people with him to share that. And then they could get unhooked a little bit from their own reality and embrace a bigger, a bigger one and figure out how they’re going to move ahead. But that’s been the number one leadership lesson I learned. And that was not nearly as clear a few months ago as it is now.

Josh  21:14
I’ve got another question that I think only I could ask someone like you about is, what have you seen changed in the last 30 years with our Navy is always the same. But, you know, you and I are both trying to coach entrepreneurs to be successful? So what has there been anything that’s really changed? Or trends you’ve seen? Or where do you see it going in terms of helping someone be successful? So yeah, I’m just kind of curious to know your thoughts of what has changed over the decades. And what do you see coming in the future, if somebody really wants to train their mindset, or get the right tool set, or get the right strategic plan in place to do this 10x growth that you all talk about your programs? Or has it always been the same? 

Shannon  22:00
Yep. Okay, so just to date myself, and I’m 55, in case anyone’s wondering what to do the math. So I started coaching when I was 26. So what has changed is speed, it’s actually a lot easier to grow faster now than it ever has been. And that’s because of technology, speed of communication. So when I started in business, I would stand by the fax machine for an hour a day, sending through faxes to my prospects to see if they want to register for coach, I brought my own little baby Mac, the very first one that the screen is like this big, I brought it with me to coach, you know, it’s like, it was hard work back then. You know, people still kind of picked up the phone, mostly. But the pace was so much slower. So now we have speed, which can be overwhelming sometimes. But it’s also faster, I can be talking to you, you know, thank goodness for zoom. You know, if this, you know, the pandemic had happened a few years ago, before video conferencing technology was where it is, and they didn’t have breakout rooms, you know, big way more challenging. So I think it’s actually in so many ways a lot easier. However, with greater abundance, there also is a lot more choice, and people can end up being really paralyzed. So I think it’s really more important than ever now to know your unique ability to develop self awareness, which is why I’m a big fan of tools. I don’t I don’t ever feel boxed in by a tool. I just feel like it helps give me language to articulate my unique contribution. I think it’s really important to know who your audience is like, who do you care about? Who do you want to be a hero to? You know? And then and what are their issues, you have to really suspend your own self interest? And do we have something, another knowledge pack that might be interesting for your audience called the DOS conversation. It’s really understanding their three-year vision, by the way, great conversation to have with people right now, because everyone’s vision of the future changed. With limitations got put on? And if you help people restate their future, you’re a really good person in their books? And then what are they worried about? What are they excited about? What are they confident about? So what are their dangers, their opportunities and their strengths? So you have to be able to really pay attention to that and then deliver great value in a way that solves some of those issues or frees them up to solve some of those issues. So that you know, that’s a really simple way of describing value creation. But if you know what you’re best at, you know what their needs are very specifically out there. And you can find a way to deliver on that you’re going to be successful and technology is a massive accelerator. Now, that’s what I’ve seen. Going forward, I think that’s going to be even more true. And I think there’s a ton of room for disruption. It’s fascinating to talk about how we’ve been having we suspended all of our workshops for a couple of months during the pandemic because no one could travel. It must be to travel and just the value of connection, which is why that emotional part is so, so critical. The value of connection, but people were We’re finding opportunities, you know, when just going back to first principles is okay, if I’m a restaurant, what do I have? I have a supply chain that’s different from grocery stores. You know, I’ve got a mailing list, you know, how can I create value for people? Well, they can’t get food. What can you help? You know, we have one client whose revenues are down 50%, but his costs are down 80%. He’s doing okay. Right. So, you know, it’s that ability to to go, okay, I know, I don’t have this. But what do I have? And what do people need? And how can I create value? So I think going forward, I think there’ll be more scary times, I think a lot, things would be going to court, going to become more and more uncertain. So developing those capabilities to handle uncertainty I’m tired of the word pivot, but it is relevant, you know, being able to go okay, that was yesterday. This is today. Just a fun statement that Dan said yesterday that might be worthwhile client asked and workshops Dan, will you ever go virtual and then goes? No, it’s like in person is what we do. And people really value the connection. And, you know, see, there’s no replacement for seeing people, I think it’ll always be one of them where, you know, I would use the word precious but important things we do. And then someone said, they have probably had an inkling even before we did so well, what if you have to, and dangos, then we will. And that’s what we did. So it’s one of those, you can think you have an idea. But then you have to be able to turn and he turned his thinking faster than any other person I’ve talked to and during the whole thing. So that ability to be super flexible, I think increasingly will actually be that winning strategy going ahead. Great question. Thank you.

Josh  26:34
Yeah, no, that’s, that’s helpful as well. So nimbleness or flexibility, speed, and really, really, really, because of the worldwide competition out there, really knowing your market and what your unique ability is, is going to make you the strongest, long term.

Shannon  26:53
Yeah, it’s mental flexibility that starts there. It’s mindset, and then everything else comes out of that.

Josh  27:01 
Now, this is great. Well, the time is going really fast. Here. I wanted to ask you one question, Shannon about systems, right? So is there a system that you use or Strategic Coach uses that you’ve kind of seen a benefit, or you want to share with the group?

Shannon  27:17
Yes, and I’m unlike you, my copy profiles, quite different, not instinctively, systematic persons. So I’ve had to work at it, and sometimes their habits, but there’s actually a personal and professional one. So the personal one is a friend of ours, Joe polish, who contributed to the Miracle Morning, you know, series of books. And I bought the book to support Joe. And then I started it the next day. And I think a Monday 681 of doing Miracle Morning. So that’s just been a great start to my day with me. Personal development has been great. And it’s, I wish I’d known about it years ago, my children would probably be happier. They’re happy kids, but, and they’re 1720. They’re not kids anymore, but they would have had less stress mom, put that way. And then professionally. And this is a system that my brilliant, brilliant, brilliant support partner Nicole put in place, she kind of organizes me, because I need help. And she initiated it every six weeks, we call it a strategic planning meeting. And we look ahead, I’m someone who’s really good in the moment, but I don’t always remember what I’m doing a couple hours from now or next week. And so she initiated the strategic planning meeting. And we have a tool that coaches to organize projects, as pretty straightforward, good for adding entrepreneurs like me, and she would walk me through that. So we would go out for an hour and a half to two hours outside the office cafe lunch, what have you. And it’s great, because it created some immediacy for me. So my brain kicks into gear at the last minute. So by her prompting me, oh, I need this. And hey, I need to ask someone about that. And I think this would be a great resource for this particular speech or what have you. And so and then I’d go, and that doubled, tripled my productivity. So we’re doing those every six weeks. And we got up to I think, last quarter before we left the office, and we were at 55 different events, things, projects that got done. And now she’s moved it to monthly, and we’re getting 3030 of those done a month. So it’s crazy, just how effective you know and all I have to do is what’s next in my calendar. She’s got the big strategic planning brain and kind of masterminding ahead of me and I just get to go, go, go, go go. So that is the system that has worked brilliantly, and dramatically jumped my productivity. So I’m a big fan.

Josh  29:37 
I love that. And that’s a great point that you don’t have to document every system in your life but you’d need to have these routines. That’s a really great routine, both those routines, so hopefully we’ll get some value out of that as leaders. Alright, so because the time is short, what’s one question I should have asked you during this interview, but I didn’t, Shannon.

Shannon  29:57
Oh, goodness. I guess the only thing I have is a question. But I have the answer. I, one of the things that I think is really important is for your team, because you’re, you’re the process guy, I’m more of a people person. It’s really, really, really important that your team also has an entrepreneurial attitude, which and by the way, most people do not want to be entrepreneurs, they do not want to go into the risk economy. They know they would prefer more security. So a lot of entrepreneurs are scared that they’re, that if you coach people on how to have an attitude, then they’re gonna leave you. That may have happened to people that I know of, in 30 years. Seriously, one from my company, my plans company, that’s not very many. So it’s not a huge risk, but they do need to be for them to appreciate you, they have to have some of the same mindsets. And so there’s an exercise, it’s on my team success website, which is really what is one of the entrepreneurial attitudes that people need to have, which I think are really, really important. And then if you don’t have the right person, this is my second. My first book was the team success Handbook, which talks about the natural attitudes, but then this, the second one is, if they’re not the right person, please. Oops, sorry about that. That’s weird, then you’ll need to subtract them as soon as possible. And the impact of a wrong fit person on your team, if they’re toxic is huge. And please don’t second guess yourself, please take action on that decision. So I think the quality of your team is really what I’m talking about, and just how important that is. You know, our mutual friend, Timothy helps people, you know, find really great people. He’s got a stellar track record, Tim Francis, but it’s, you know, you can’t underestimate that. And so if you’re feeling that there’s some kind of a Robert misfet, trying to educate them. If that doesn’t work, find somebody else. So that may sound odd for someone who’s so passionate about people. But I am passionate about teamwork, and I want to work for you. So holding on to something that isn’t working doesn’t make sense.

Josh  32:03
Yeah, that’s great advice, tough conversations, but essential, otherwise, you can stay stuck for a long time. Alright, so we’re working on it. Can people find out more about you, your books, the resources, where should they go?

Shannon  32:16 
What is actually a unique ability site? So you believe calm is a great place for those resources for that conversation, strategiccoach.com, tons of stuff for entrepreneurs everywhere and there’s a great just hit resources you’ll find are scary times you’ll see all the things you probably hang out there for a while. And then if you are also really interested in team success, and your entrepreneurial team success, then yourteamssuccess.com website has lots of goodies. So yeah, that would be a great place to check things out.

Josh  32:46 
Okay, well, Shannon, thanks a lot for sharing. This has been really useful, helpful to me, and a lot of my clients are members of Strategic Coach they’ve been doing for years only good things to say about your company. So you’ve done a great job, great impact over those over those decades. And everyone who’s watching this podcast and listening to stay tuned next week for other guests like Shannon, or every one of my previous clients or my certified consultants is sharing with you, how you can make more and work less with systems. And also if you would like to leave us a review. do so and take the screenshot and send it to info at wtsenterprises.com once a week we take a name out of a hat and we send you a copy of that book right there behind me work the system will mail to your house. Otherwise, you can find that copy for free at our website at wtsenterprises.com where you can download it. Otherwise, we will help catch you next week. Thanks again, Shannon.

Shannon  33:39
Thank you so much, Josh.



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